
#73 Something To Think About...

First of all:
Why did I not know these came in gold before I bought them in orange suede?!

I suppose orange suede is pretty awesome as well...

Next off:
How can these dresses be so cute and the models so scary?!  I'm not sure I can tell which one is cuter of the two dresses or scarier of the two models...

Maybe the models are scary to make the dresses look even more adorably sweet in comparison?  Or they are threatening you that if you don't get the cute dress right now something bad will happen...still not sure...hmmm


#72 How to Do Everything & Nothing At the Same Time

It always seems like the more you get done, the more you have to do.  It's a never-ending cycle.  Work is crazy.  Moving is crazy.  Putting in an air conditioner too small for the window it needs to go in is crazy.  Finding simple white curtains is one of the hardest things I've ever tried to do.   Making friends with very nosy and judgmental new neighbors, also difficult.  Putting together the new bed was child's play in comparison.  As they say, "when it rains, it pours."

It doesn't just pour craziness and difficulty though, I've also have so many great friends, family, and neighbors who have lent a hand to help me overcome the crippling anxiety that is bound to set in when you have taken on more responsibility than you are accustomed to or can handle on your own.  I'm grateful for all my friends that helped me move, paint & put together furniture.  I'm so thankful for my friends & family, & complete strangers that distracted me from my worries, reminded me to eat, encouraged me, let me live in their homes when I didn't have one & put a smile on my face.  I'm grateful that there are still honest people in this world, like the movers that returned the lost box containing all my jewelry.  

Thanks everyone!!!!  Here's to hoping all my boxes and suitcases are emptied & put away soon...

"...Treat the feeling of overwhelming anxiety as our friend, for it is an emotional indicator letting us know that we need to slow down, and to readjust our center of focus on something else that makes us feel better.  

It is also a reminder that life doesn’t have to feel bad, that we have choices, and that we can design our day and especially our experiences.  

And no matter how rough our day was today, or yesterday may have been, every morning is a new beginning, a new chance for you to rewrite the story of your life..."   -Tina Su of Think Simple Now


#71 Friday Aqua Blues

IT'S FRIDAYYYY!!!!!!!!!!  WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!  
Time to pick paint colors (one of my absolute favorite things in the whole world), buy a "big girl" bed (to replace the twin-sized one) and get ready to move into a new place (finally)!  I feel like jumping on a bed!!! And then go play in a sprinkler outside and eat watermelon and play board games and then make milkshakes and cookies and then jump rope and take a nap...  In other words, I'm so carefree and happy I feel like i'm 7 years old again.

photo via Domino

photo via herman miller
I will def need to save up for this Eames rocker...


#70 A Fourth of Fun

The Fourth marked the first unbearable day of summer heat in New York City... and summer fun!  I woke up craving peaches, fireworks, friends, air conditioning and rolling down grassy hills.  At the end of the day, I'd satisfied all my cravings and then some.  Each detail etched into my memory.  The awful slimy feeling of sucking up a weird gummy thing the dude put in my peach smoothie.  Laying in the grass with eyes closed watching the bright spots of sunlight wavering just beyond my lids as it filters through the trees.  Sweating and picking Mexican corn out of my teeth while watching the sunset and relaxing with friends.  The sound of distant fireworks & counting how many seconds they're delayed to calculate the distance (proof I'm a total math nerd).  Last, but not least, riding the G train like a pro and remembering how I thought I would never see the day that the G would somehow enrich my life.   Life is funny like that.

photo via AL.com
Craving the site of the peachy water tower along the drive to Auburn & picking up fresh peaches and home-made butter pecan peach ice cream for a snack...

A reminder to myself to stop complaining and find the beauty in each day.


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